
Cenlar Achieved HUD Tier 1 Ranking

Cenlar is pleased to announce, that for the fourth year in a row, we have maintained a Tier 1 ranking.  This means that in our performance ratings for Foreclosure Prevention, Redefaults, Single Family Default Monitoring System (SFDMS) Reporting and Loss Mitigation Engagement have been consistently among the best in the country, yielding extremely positive results for our clients.

For you, this means increased default incentives for each Special Forbearance Agreement executed; an increase in the reimbursement percentage of attorney fees (claimed on Part B for all foreclosures) from 66% to 75%; and, an additional two months to market properties being sold via Pre-foreclosure sale (for a total of six months).

Remember to visit www.cenaccess.com for more Cenlar News and Advisories.