Disable TLS Version 1.0
To improve information security, Cenlar will discontinue the support for TLS 1.0 encryption. This is being undertaken so that we can maintain security standard and promote the safety of our client data as well as align with industry best practices.
We will implement this change in 2 steps:
We will be disabling TLS version 1.0 from our internet facing client test sites on Sunday, 2/21/2016. This includes the following:
- Betaclientservices.loanadministration.com
- Betanewloans.cennet.com
We will be disabling TLS version 1.0 from our following production sites which are currently scheduled on 3/6/2016
- Clientservices.loanadministration.com
- Newloans.cennet.com
- di.cennet.com
- cenaccess.cennet.com
- sft.cennet.com
- connect.cennet.com
Please be sure to share this information with your IT department.