
Lockbox Addresses

In order to create greater efficiency with payment processing at our lockboxes, we now use a separate P.O. Box for all borrowers who are currently receiving billing statements. The implementation of the new lockbox addresses will allow for greater flexibility in applying payment processing logic.

Borrowers using coupon books will continue to use the same address as they have in the past.  Payments will be applied regardless of which lockbox address the borrower uses.

The new lockbox addresses for borrowers on billing statements are as follows:

Newark, New Jersey                                Los Angeles, California
P.O. Box 11733                                         P.O. Box 54040
Newark, NJ   07101-4733                          Los Angeles, CA   90054-0040

NOTE : If your office has an exclusion set with Cenlar in terms of which lockboxes are used (west coast versus east coast), that exclusion processing will continue based on your office’s preference.