
Monthly Regulatory Compliance Change Management Summary

As part of our ongoing effort to keep you informed, each month we send to you a summary of the work we’re doing to ensure compliance with the ever-changing regulatory landscape.

All items due in July are compliant with our regulatory change management program.

To provide you with more information, we also host a monthly conference call. The next call will take place on Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 3 p.m. EDT. To register or send a question to be addressed on the call, please reach out to compliancechgmngt@cenlar.com. If you have registered for a previous call, you do not need to request registration again.

Please note, all questions to be addressed on the call are required to be provided least 24 hours in advance. Any questions received after 3 p.m. EDT on the day before the call will not be answered during the call. You may also submit questions related to the regulatory compliance change management program at any time to compliancechgmngt@cenlar.com. Our compliance department will respond within two business days of receipt (excluding weekends and holidays).

A Look Ahead:

  • August Outlook: There are 23 items due in August. Of those, 11 were completed as of the end of July and five remain to be completed as of August 19, 2024.