
Monthly Report Card (MRC) and Daily Dashboard Changes

Cenlar’s Monthly Report Card (MRC) and Daily Dashboard Reports have recently been streamlined and clarified to create consistency in terminology and layout. These changes are designed to align the two reports to reflect the same categorization of information and to eliminate any possible confusion between the reports.

In January, the new versions of the MRC and Daily Dashboard will be the only versions delivered via the portal.

New improvements to your Monthly Report Card 

Delinquency Statistics (Pages 1-12)

  • The Claims, REO, Bankruptcy and Total Loan Count calculations have been removed from the Delinquent Status section and moved to the bottom of the page to a new section under Supplemental Portfolio Information. This information is displayed for informational purposes when comparing the delinquency statistics to the non-delinquent statistics.
  • The loans that are both Delinquent and have an active Bankruptcy designation will be displayed in the appropriate 30, 60, 90, and 120 delinquency categories.
  • A category labeled Current has now been added to the informational section at the bottom of the page. It contains a count of active loans that have no delinquency designation.   

New improvements to your Daily Dashboard

Delinquent Status (Summary Page)

  • The Current, Claims, REO and Bankruptcy calculations have been removed from the Delinquent Status section and moved to a new Supplemental Portfolio Information section.
  • The loans that are both Delinquent and have an active Bankruptcy designation will be displayed in the appropriate 30, 60, 90, and 120 delinquency categories.  
  • The Total category label has been changed to Total Delinquency Principal Balance for clarity.

Supplemental Portfolio Information (Summary Page)

  • Bankruptcy counts are now being displayed with two sub categories: Current Bankruptcy and Delinquent Bankruptcy under a Total Bankruptcy category.
  • A Total Principal Balance count has been added to this section.

Bankruptcy Stats

  • A new tab has been added to provide more specific information regarding loans in bankruptcy.
  • Views include Delinquency, Investor and Loan Type.

 Next steps

The new versions of the Monthly Report Card (MRC) and the Daily Dashboard will be delivered to the SFTP site. Last month’s version is still accessible on the CenAccess portal.