
MoveIt Advancing Toward October 15 Upgrade

We’re now making final preparations to upgrade MoveIt, the application we use to share files with you, on Saturday, October 15. Beginning next Saturday, October 15, 7:30 a.m., MoveIt will not be accessible until Sunday, October 16.

If you haven’t already tested, your ability to use MoveIt after the upgrade will be at risk. Please reach out to your client manager to discuss your situation.
We will work to assure a smooth transition to the environment but depending on the exact timing of when an alert email is sent and read, relative to the timing of the migration, a link within an alert email may not point to the actual location of a file after the migration. The link to the production environment is sft.cennet.com now through the migration. If you need to access the previous production legacy system to pick up any files after migration, please use sftending2022.cennet.com.

For those clients who have not whitelisted the required IP addresses and completed testing yet, we ask that you work with your IT team to complete as soon as possible before next weekend. See Instructions below. 

Whitelisting IP Addresses
You will need to update IP addresses for servers impacted by the MoveIt migration to ensure security protocols do not prevent you from testing and accessing the migrated environments. The new IP addresses are listed here:

Server New IP
Transfer Server Outbound
Automation Server Inbound
Disaster Recovery Transfer Server Outbound
Disaster Recovery Automation Server Inbound

In addition, you will need to allow the following ports and protocols:
Transfer Server Outbound (IP Address and

Protocol Port
FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS) 20021 to 20025

Transfer Server Inbound (IP Address and

Protocol Port
SFTP/SCP, FTPS, HTTPS Specifically configured for your FTP host

Please note, you will also need to keep our legacy firewall rules active for, and during this migration in order to maintain access to the current production servers. We will reach out to you once we have confirmed the migration is complete and it is safe to deactivate the legacy IP address information.

About the Test Connection and Credentials & Passwords 
We recommend that the test File Transfer connection only be used for testing purposes and be removed once testing is successful in order to avoid accidental use in the future.

Please note that user credentials and passwords were copied to the test environment on August 12. If your password has expired and changed in the production environment since that time, please use your old password to access the test environment.

Testing Instructions
Please follow the testing method below that best matches how your company retrieves data from or transmits data to Cenlar. It is likely that you only need to test via Method 1 OR Method 2, and may not need to test both methods unless you actually use both methods to transfer files.

Testing Method 1 – Testing connectivity using a standards-based file transfer application (e.g., FileZilla, WinSCP, Axway, MoveIt Automation, JSCAPE, etc.)

  • Create a brand new connection in your file transfer application with the below information
    • Domain: sfttest2022.cennet.com
    • The port and your credentials, such as username, password, and any SSH keys used will remain as they were prior to August 12. Please mirror them from the Production connection you use today. If you need assistance, please see the Troubleshooting section below.
  • Using the new test connection you just created, please attempt a connection. We strongly recommend no file transfers during testing at this time.
  • Please instruct your application to perform a directory listing, such as the ls command.
    • If a response is returned from the above, the connection was successful and communication with our cloud environment has been successfully tested.
    • If an error occurs, please see the Troubleshooting section below.
  • Once the directory listing is complete, please disconnect.
  • Please remove the new connection that was created in your file transfer application for this test.
  • Please see the Upon Success section below.

Testing Method 2 – Testing connectivity using your web browser

  • Point your web browser to https://sfttest2022.cennet.com/.
  • A webpage will load instructing you to log in.
  • Log in using your existing credentials, as they were prior to August 12. If you need assistance, please see the Troubleshooting section below.
  • Upon successful login, please log out.
  • Please see the Upon Success section below.

Note: If the above methods do not match how you transfer files because Cenlar initiates the file transfer activity, Cenlar will be testing connectivity to you. Please jump ahead to the Other Helpful Info section below.

Upon Success
When you have successfully tested the connectivity, please reach out to your client manager to let us know and indicate what testing method you used.

If you have questions or issues during testing, please send an email to MoveItUpgrade@Cenlar.com with the subject line “[TESTING FAILED] Your Company Name.” Please describe your issue, and what you attempted in the body of the email.

Other Helpful Info
Cenlar will be conducting our own internal connectivity testing. We will not be sending any files, but you may notice some traffic from these IP addresses:

Server IP Address
Disaster Recovery