
S&P and Fitch Ratings on Cenlar FSB

Cenlar FSB has been reviewed by both Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Ratings Services and Fitch Ratings.

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services affirmed a Strong ranking on Cenlar FSB making it one of only three servicers in the country to receive this distinction. According to S&P’s report, the ranking reflects “Cenlar’s demonstrated high level of ability and competence in managing its residential mortgage servicing portfolio, strong controls, knowledgeable and very experienced management team and effective systems environment”.

Fitch Ratings assigned Cenlar FSB a ‘RPS2’, Outlook Stable rating. Cenlar is one of only six servicers to achieve this rating. According to the Fitch Ratings report, “Cenlar maintains a highly integrated servicing platform…, has a very experienced senior management team…, and an effective control environment with highly structured internal audit, enterprise risk management and compliance oversight capabilities”.

To read the full rating report, click here: Standard & Poor’s Rating Services or Fitch Ratings.