Cenlar is pleased to confirm that we are fully compliant with the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Servicing standards effective Friday, January 10, 2014. We have been communicating our progress towards meeting these requirements and have worked diligently throughout our servicing operation to meet the new CFPB servicing standards throughout this past year. We … Continued
CFPB Servicing Standards-Nov./Dec. 2013 Update
As a continuation of our monthly communications, we are updating you on our progress in meeting the CFPB’s National Servicing Standards that become effective in January 2014. This past month, members of Cenlar’s senior staff presented a company-wide overview of the CFPB changes. Additional specialized training was performed in specific departments. We expect as we … Continued
CFPB Servicing Standards-October 2013 Update
As a continuation of our monthly communications, we are updating you on our progress in meeting the CFPB’s National Servicing Standards that become effective January 2014. Cenlar continues to make positive progress on each of the nine categories of the CFPB’s National Servicing Standards as is evidenced below: Billing Statements: We have finalized the format … Continued
CFPB Servicing Standards-September 2013 Update
As a continuation of our communications relating to changes being made as a result of the CFPB Servicing Standards, we are updating you on several changes occurring on billing statements and coupon books and the manner in which they are provided to your borrowers: The format of the current monthly billing statement will be change … Continued
CFPB Servicing Standards-August 2013 Update
As a continuation of our monthly communications, we are updating you on our progress in meeting the January 2014 date for compliance with the CFPB’s National Servicing Standards. Cenlar’s progress on each of the nine categories of the CFPB’s National Servicing Standards is outlined below: Billing Statements: We continue to work closely with our third … Continued