
Action Required: Property Value Certification Selection Requested for PMI Insurance

Each year we reach out to you to confirm your direction on value certifications based on your borrowers’ original property values for PMI insurance purposes. We perform this certification annually to ensure we have your most up-to-date selections.

You have the option to select either a Broker’s Price Opinion (BPO) or a full appraisal on all borrower-requested original value PMI removals to certify that the property value has not declined since origination. You also have the option to allow the borrower to make the decision. Please note, valuations are ordered at a cost to the borrower. 

Please contact your Client Manager and copy the PMI Client Management mailbox (PMI-ClientManagement@Cenlar.com) to provide notification of your selection.

Please provide your response by August 1, 2019. If no selection is made Mortgage Insurance will default to giving the borrower the choice.