Preparing for Hurricane Laura
With Hurricane Laura forecasted to make landfall this evening into tomorrow morning, Cenlar wants to assure you that we will be here to assist you and your borrowers in the days ahead. To that end, we will be emailing borrowers to let them know we’ll be here when they need us.
As we hear from FEMA and other agencies, we will reach out to you and your affected borrowers to provide the necessary support. In the interim, please refer to our Natural Disaster Playbook and these FAQs
Additionally, below are links to several natural disaster resources that may be helpful.
Natural Disaster Resources
- https://www.ready.gov/hurricanes – A FEMA site to learn tips to prepare for a disaster.
- https://www.disasterassistance.gov/ – Website dedicated to Disaster Assistance for those affected.
- https://www.fema.gov/disasters/ – FEMA site with specific information.
- http://www.freddiemac.com/learn/pdfs/service/dis_prop.pdf – Freddie Mac guide to managing distressed properties.
- https://www.fanniemae.com/singlefamily/disaster-assistance – Fannie Mae Disaster Assistance Summary.
Cenlar is committed to meeting the needs of those impacted by this storm and will alert you of any updates or changes.