
Monthly Regulatory Compliance Change Management Summary

The monthly Regulatory Compliance Change Management Summary, as of December 31, 2017 can be found here.

Starting this month, we will be hosting a Monthly Regulatory Compliance Change Management conference call to discuss each summary. The conference call will be a listen-only one hour session where we will highlight the monthly summary changes and address the most frequently asked questions received through our compliance change management mailbox.

Our first call will take place on Wednesday, February 21st at 3pm EST. To register for the call, please email compliancechangemngt@cenlar.com. For your convenience, the call will be recorded and can be later distributed to those who are unable to attend.

If you have any questions related to the monthly summary, overview process, or specific regulatory change items, please email compliancechgmngt@cenlar.com. Cenlar’s Compliance Department will respond within 24 hours from when your question is received (excluding weekends and holidays).