
Our 2020 Digital Strategy for Cenlar Branded Clients

We’re pleased to let you know that Cenlar has a number of initiatives underway to help us continue to deliver outstanding service to you. Specifically, we are working to roll out an omni-channel digital strategy including a mobile app, website and APIs that helps us create value for you and your borrowers

Introducing Cenlar MobileSM

As part of these initiatives, I’m pleased to share that our borrower-facing mobile app—Cenlar MobileSM— is now available to the borrowers of our Cenlar branded clients.

Cenlar Mobile is a highly intuitive interface that reflects contemporary design best practices. Through the app, borrowers will be able to make a payment, view their statements, find loan information, and more—anytime, anywhere.

Cenlar Mobile is available to be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play. We will begin promoting the app’s availability to borrowers on a client-by-client basis shortly.  Promotion will continue throughout the end of Q2 for the launch.  Stay tuned for more information about our phased approach.

And that’s just the beginning

In tandem with the development of our new mobile app, we are also making significant enhancements to the usability, look and feel of the website. The updated Cenlar branded website is scheduled to launch at the end of Q2, and we will begin promoting it to borrowers on a client- by-client basis at that time.

API Library – Now Available

Our API Library is also available now, enabling you to add mortgage-servicing functions to your own apps, websites and internal systems.